
Links to Existing Calendars
Name Description Administer
Calendars not in any Group
Pathology_Microscope Zebra Fish Imaging
Room_B17 Meeting Room
Scott_Microscope Light and Fluorescence Microscope
Test_Calendar To try stuff out on ...
Ti_Premier_Tribonanoindenter Ti-Premier Tribonanoindenter
Group: CM_Legacy_Systems
LaserMicrodissection Laser Micro-Dissection
SkyScan_MicroCT SkyScan MicroCT scanner
Group: Confocal
BioScope_AFM Bruker Atomic Force Microscope
Confocal_Analysis_PC_1 Confocal Analysis PC #1
Confocal_Analysis_PC_2 Confocal Analysis PC #2
Neoscan_N80_uCT N80 MicroCT
Nikon_Ti2E_Inverted Nikon Ti2E Inverted Brightfield and Fluorescence
NikonA1_Inverted_Confocal Nikon A1 Inverted Confocal
Perfusion_System Multivalve Perfusion System
Perkin_Elmer_Phenix_Plus Perkin Elmer Phenix Plus HCS Spinning Disk Confocal
Spinning_Disk_Confocal Andor Dragonfly Spinning Disk Confocal
Zeiss_LSM900Airy Zeiss 900+Airy Confocal
Group: EM
_JEOL_1400Flash_TEM Transmission Electron Microscope
_JEOL_2200FS_CryoTEM Cryo Tomography TEM
_JEOL_6700_FESEM JEOL cryo field emission SEM
_Zeiss_Geology_SEM EBSD/EDS Scanning Electron Microscope
_Zeiss_SBF_SEM Serial Block Face SEM
AFS_1 Freeze Substitution
AFS_2 Freeze Substitution
Edwards_Vacuum_Coater Edward's Vacuum Coater
EM_Unit_Staffing Who is on site and when
Image_Processing_LinuxMint Dell PC with IMOD, Chimera etc
Image_Processing_MacPro Mac OS, 64GB RAM: IMOD, Chimera, etc
KF80 Cryo plunge freezer & slam freezer
PelcoMicrowave Pelco Microwave Oven
Ultramicrotome_1_UC7 UC7
Group: Physiology
NikonA1R_Confocal NikonA1R Resonant Scanner Confocal

Calcium 4.0.4 Professional Unlimited w/Custom Fields, Email
Brown Bear Software